Monday, May 3, 2010

Turning 30

I've been 30 for almost two weeks and so far so good! I seriously dreaded this birthday. It was the end. After that I would have to grow up. I was suddenly going to be the mother of two boys, a grown-up family. I was no longer a 20-something. No longer just out of college. Not really a newly-wed even. It was time for me to be an adult. Well, I think I over stressed - shocker, huh?! Nothing has changed, I'm just a new number.

The celebration made it all worth it!

My birthday was Saturday, but all the fun started the weekend before! Jared's birthday is the 16th, 8 days before mine. So, I picked him up from work on that Friday and the three of us were off to his parents. We dropped Thomas off and went to Ruth's Chris to celebrate Jared's birthday. Saturday we went to the beach and had a great dinner with his parents to celebrate our special days. They were more than generous with their gifts as always and we had such fun spending time with them.

Thursday was mom's group where we celebrated 6 birthdays. All of us were within almost a week of each other!!

Friday was the big day for celebrating with the girls!! Jen, Rachelle, Alison and even Audra drove down, for a time of fun pedicures! I wish I had a picture of us all lined up getting pampered!! It was wonderful. Later, they all came over for some delish tacos. After dinner we kicked out the husbands and kids and welcomed all the other girls. Audra, with a little help, had made a delicious ice cream cake for us all to enjoy. It was perfect. All the girls hanging out with some cake, just what I wanted!! At the end of the evening, Audra spoiled us by snagging Thomas and taking him off to her house to spend the night. He then spent Saturday with Grammy and Papa and then even a night with them.

Saturday, after sleeping in, Jared and I headed out. We went to Sausalito for a day of pampering. We stopped for a nice lunch, then off to the spa for a massage. O what a great way to spend the day!! After dinner we wandered around (sat on a bench and watched the water-- i'm 7 months preggo after all!!) Sausalito. Then enjoyed a wonderful dinner at an Italian restaurant. It was so different than anywhere else we had ever been.

Sunday, we were off to church empty handed. It was weird going to church with out Thomas! After church we headed up to my parents house for a bbq lunch and hanging out by the pool. The guys had a great time swimming while the rest of us relaxed with our feet up!!

If relaxing and being with family and friends means turning 30, I'll do it again and again!! (because i'm not getting any older!!) My favorite comment about turning 30 was made by our faith group leader, not knowing which b-day it was for me he said "well, at least it still starts with a 2" I of course responded, "it doesn't that's the problem!" "oh... well it's all over then."

Oh well, it was a great celebration!! Thank you all!!

1 comment:

Alexis said...

Sounds like a great way to spend your birthday...surrounded by friends and family who love you. Here's to turning 30! Let the real fun of life begin.