Thursday, February 25, 2010

We met the baby

It's official, Thomas is going to be a big brother!! We are so excited to welcome another little boy into the family in July! I must admit I was tempted the last few months by all the cute pink, fuffy clothes to really hope for a little girl, but was excited to see proof of a boy. A girl would be tons of fun, but the last couple of days I've really been hoping to have a brother for Thomas. After all, I really have always wanted boys. Jared, being the strong, silent type, hadn't said much either way. He did admit afterwards he was a little relieved and very excited that it was a boy.

As I've thought about it today, I've been so excited to know that God knows what is best for us. He decided long ago that I was to be a mother of boys. Boys! God wants me to have boys. Soccer, frogs, boogers, loud noises, farting and burping, lots of running and lots of food, all things boys. Yikes!! I'm loving it and am excited for all that is to come, but if I really think about it, it's just so different from what I knew growing up. Can't wait for the many adventures to come. Then also in my thinking today I was overwhelmed by the same thought. God wanted ME to have BOYS. He wants me to raise Men. Men are the heads of their families, leaders in their churches and the way this world is going, that's an extra hard job to prepare them for. God thinks I'm worthy to raise someone's future husband and possibly a leader in the church but hopefully a servant worker. Those are two very important roles, one that must be seen as important to them. That I pray with all my heart. That they both now, grow up to the Love the Lord and live a life to serve and glorify Him. And, God gave me two of them to raise. That is beyond humbling to me, beyond!! Something I, most days, feel totally unfit for. I praise Him and find comfort in the fact that I'm not doing this on my own. HE will do it through me. I pray, Lord, that I seek you daily in this daunting task. And, no, I am in no way forgetting that He has given me an awesome leader, partner and husband to do it with. He has given my boys an awesome man to immulate. They truly have a Godly example in their Daddy to watch and to follow!! Together we will enter this crazy adventure, full of all things boys and looking to their future with hope and lots of prayer!!

And I will proudly represent all things girly in my house. I vow to wear pink everyday! (well, maybe vow is too strong a word... but you get the picture)


Alexis said...

YAY! We are so excited for you guys! What an amazing adventure you have ahead of you. One that God has fully equipped you for. How blessed this little guy will be to grow up in the Matlock home. And to have Thomas for an older brother? An added bonus. Congratulations on the news!

Persicke Family said...

You are perfect for the job, and I know you are totally up to the task! No better parents for your wonderful boys!