Saturday, February 13, 2010

More on Buzz

(this has got to be the worst picture i've ever taken! i blame it on being preggo!!)

A couple of weeks ago we had the joy of going to see Wicked with some friends. It was awesome!! I'm dying to go again. The music was amazing, the story was great and the way they pulled in Wizard of Oz was tons of fun. And that we got to make a couple days of it made it all the more special!!

We met up with my parents on Tuesday evening and passed of Thomas to spend a couple of days with them. He was thrilled. I don't think he even looked back. For the two days and nights he was there, I don't think he even missed us!! We missed him, but did love our time together. We just stayed home, slept in Wednesday morning and stuck around town until noon. We had wanted to go to the city, but this was the week of the horrible rain storms. No sense in leaving. We did leave at lunch time and meet up with our friends Allison and Brian and headed into the city. We saw that afternoon show and enjoyed every last minute of it. I think I sat with a goofy smile the entire time!

After the show we headed down to North Beach and ate at a cozy little Italian Restaurant. It was delicious!! We got home not to late, early enough to enjoy another good nights sleep. My parents brought Thomas back early afternoon on Thursday and he was happy to be home, but didn't seem phased at being gone so long!!

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