Monday, November 23, 2009

So sad when friends move away. Just last week, Laura and I had to say good bye to our Kristine and her two precious little ones. We (plus Megan and Katie) were all fast friends within days of arriving at school in Southern California and have remained close. We've been in eachother's weddings, Laura and I got married two weeks apart. The three of us had our first kids within a couple of months as well. The kids are friends and we've so enjoyed getting together every couple of months to catch up and get a kick out of the different personalities in our kids, what they are learning and just how to raise them to love the Lord and not to disobey quite so much. What a joy it is to have close, like-minded friends. Well, now we are another one short. Katie left Ca. long ago for Ohio, Meg's our traveler and settled for now in Monterey, but the three of us have always been within an hour. Kristine promises to be gone for only a year, but we know God has the plan in his hand and who knows where He will lead us all. I'm so thankful for these dear girls, I hold them close in my heart. I know we will remain close always and even once in awhile get together for midnight birthday celebrations!!

Besides, our kids are friends now, so one day we'll all be together dropping them off for their first year at Master's!! Here are a few pictures of them enjoying our little lunch together.

Note to self: go back and get some of those old non-digital pictures scanned in for a "remember when" post! Find pictures of us at the weddings also!

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