Monday, November 9, 2009


I'm not usually that into Halloween, trick-or-treating or even dressing up, but through the eyes of a two year old, it is quite fun. This year Thomas was a cowboy. Jared took him to see Toy Story 3D several weeks ago and he loved it! He's been talking about it pretty consistently since then. Well, I wasn't going to buy him the Buzz costume (which he would have loved), but figured we could do Woody. He went on a horse ride with my mom several weeks ago where he got a cowboy had, which he loves wearing around the house, so I figured he'd be thrilled with my decision. Thankfully, he was. We started the costume with the purchase of boots which he has proudly been showing off since then. Then, I found some cowboy like things around the house, his hat, the horse my Grandma Stansberry made me, a plaid shirt and boot cut jeans. All that was left was a vest. I picked up some yellow fleece and kept putting of the making of the vest until the last minute when we were at my sister's house the night before. I finally cut it out and was good to go until Aunty got a hold of it. As you can see in the pictures, it, thanks to Aunty, turned out to be quite cute!!
On Halloween, we made our way over to my parents house for dinner and some trick or treating. Thomas was thrilled with his pumpkin and we practiced saying, "trick or treat." I told Thomas that people would put candy in his pumpkin if he said it at their door. So, he rang the doorbell, said the magic words, before the door was even open. At the first house, as soon as the door was open he said, "Put some candy in it" as he held up his pumpkin nice and high! Oh, thank goodness he's only 2!!
We corrected what and when he was suppose to say and sent him off to the next house. He got the routine down and was excited to make his way to each and every house. He never quite got the timing of "trick or treat" done, but did throw in a "Thank You."

He was thrilled when we returned to Grammy & Papa's to check out all the goods!!

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