Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I Got Caught

*** 3 more days left to enter the giveaway. Scroll down to the next post! ***

Recently, much to my dismay, Thomas has decided he doesn't like to have his picture taken. I have to be super sneaky and totally ready. If not, whatever he is doing when that flash goes off, or he sees the camera, the cuteness is over and this crabby little boy shows up. A couple of days ago I caught him hanging out all cute in front of the mirror. He was "showing" the tools themselves in the mirror, talking to them and just cracking himself up. Of course the giveaway shot is totally blurry and the second one he's slightly crabby. Still, it was super cute to just watch him totally amuse himself and continue enjoying his tools. Which by the way are still number one on his list and he is deeply concerned because Turner has been missing for almost 24 hours now.

*** 3 more days left to enter the giveaway. Scroll down to the next post! ***

1 comment:

Audra said...

have you found turner yet? I hope Bailey didn't get him!