Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Swimming Lessons Have Begun

Thomas just started swim lessons, in addition to his sports classes. I know, he's only 2, I really do! But yes, he is also in swimming lessons. They were a gift (we requested) from his Grammy & Papa for his birthday. Something very important and something he's learning is pretty fun as well!First of all let me explain how this works for 2-4 year olds. Mommy doesn't have to go in the pool! (yeah & let's face it, I can do that for free!) They will learn to blow bubbles, float, kick and to get over their fear. It's 4 kids to 1 teacher. This group is on the four steps going in to the kiddie pool that only goes up to 3.5 feet deep, their section is 2.5 feet at the bottom of the steps.
On Day 1 he made it down 2 steps.
Today was day 2 of the lessons. He made it down to the 3rd step, my personal goal. (Picture shows where he spent most of the class)
Sat for most of it, jumped in the water and kicked with the noodle and while clinging to the teacher.
At the end of the lesson the play "motorboat," (spin in a circle to a little song) the part he's most excited about.
He was pretty much over the whole thing until he heard that's what was next and more than willingly went with the teacher to do this
(unlike for the noodle). After that he put his face in the water several times to blow bubbles, which is huge for him!!
My only goal for the next 6 lessons is that he is part of the class time, excited to go and will float on the noodle without clinging to the teacher. The last one would be amazing!!! But most of all, he is having fun and learning to be a little more confident!

1 comment:

Alexis said...

looking forward to seeing his new skills tomorrow. how fun! swim lessons are great at any age.