A couple of weeks ago "the girls" go together to celebrate the coming arrival of baby Ethan and the 2nd birthday of Caleb. Now, let me explain. "The girls" consist of my best friend from college: Megan, Kristine and Laura. We all met during WOW week, the first week of college at the Master's College. The 4 of us (and my roommate Katie) instantly hit it off and survived the rest of college together. We ate together, shopped together, studied together and talked for endless hours about everything. We often could be found having "slumber parties" in one of our rooms, piled matresses on the floor and rented a TV/VCR from the library and would spend the night watching movies. We lived the college life together. We survived finals, break-ups, deaths of loved ones, meeting our spouses, weddings and now having kids together. Katie now lives in Ohio, Megan in Monterey (and Scotland, often) and three of us live in the Sac. area. We don't get to see one another nearly as often as we would like, but when we do it's great! These girls are my blessings. Girls that I hold in my heart. Girls I can't wait to continue living life with. Now we are enjoying watching our kids play together and can't wait to have Ethan a part of the group. Here are few pictures of our most recent get together.

Peyton, Thomas and Caleb meeting and kissing Thomas (this shot is as good as my camera grabbed... imagine 3 almost 2 year olds trying to touch and kiss the belly at the same time. Good times!)
The future three amigos. So much fun ahead for them!

Eating lunch together like big kids. They later shared some baby/ Caleb's birthday cake together at the table. They were confused as their mommy's sat on the floor eating out of the cake plate.... yeah, another special memory from college birthday celebrations!
Thank you girls for the good times! I love you all and can't wait to have more memories with our little blessings!
1 comment:
is post makes me happy. i'm glad you girls have each other!
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