Thomas has recently discovered a love of hats! This is the child who has refused to wear one since he could reach his head to pull it off. At the garage sale a couple of weeks ago a friend brought over a few hats to sell. Thomas fell in love with a white one with a "bob" on the front (it's a tomato, which he now refers to as a tomato, but at the time it was a bob), put it on his head and wouldn't let it go. It makes its way to his head at some point every day. Sunday he even managed to wear it to church for awhile. This last weekend another friend brought some more hats, 3 to be exact. Thomas had them scattered
through out the house, on his head, on my head and even on daddy's, at one point he was even wearing all three. Of course he doesn't wear the hats correctly. They are always to the side or backwards and keep in mind, they are mens hats, adding something special to the stylish position.

Now, for the clothes. Thomas loves his pajamas. He loves to pick them out and hates to take them off. I've let him pick them out more recently and he comes up with quite the fashions. One day last week, I'm embarassed to admit, he left his pajama shirt on all day with a pair of shorts. This turned out to make quite an outfit when "grammy" brought him a new shirt to try on. I'm sure someday he'll figure out how to pick out matching clothes and how to wear a properly fitting hat correctly. For now it's fun to let him have some fun and enjoy his own style!

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